Securing UAE's Independent Space Industry: Building, Launching, Operating

  • Hamad Al Tair

    Student thesis: Master's Thesis


    On 4 October 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik I, into outer space (Ilcev, 2005). This historical moment accelerated the human race's desire to master space and led the major powers of the day to invest even more heavily in their respective space industries. Space programs were intended to help mankind better understand space and push the frontiers of science; however, the development of technological advances related to space had important implications for international security and the military balance back on earth. Designing, building and launching a spaceship or even a medium size satellite can be costly. Each state has to think carefully and wisely before deciding if it wants to become an independent player in space. States should also think about the advantages and disadvantages of sharing space programs with other states or setting out instead to create a completely independent program. The UAE started its investment in the space industry in 1990s with acquiring the majority investment in the Thuraya Telecommunications Company. However, from 2007 to 2016 the UAE space industry has flourished. One key aspect of this is the number of UAE-owned satellites, which has tripled over this period. Considering the UAE size, population, geographic location and security environment, the UAE's decision to embark on becoming a significant player in the space sector was one that almost certainly was not taken lightly. Whilst there are in all certainty multiple reasons why a state establishes an independent space industry this study explores the question of whether the UAE stands to benefit from a military and security perspective.
    Date of AwardJul 2017
    Original languageAmerican English
    SupervisorAshley Rossiter (Supervisor)


    • Space Industry
    • Militarization of Space
    • Technology and International Security
    • Innovation
    • UAE
    • Independence
    • Independency Satellite Capability.

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