Hybrid NOMA-SSK Scheme for Visible Light Communication

  • Amna M. Aljaberi

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Due to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the demand for fast and higher data rate has been increasing, introducing challenges for the upcoming generation of wireless communications. In this context, visible light communication (VLC) is a new revolutionary form of wireless communication that has recently emerged, capable of transmitting data in an indoor environment in a very high speed. The main limitations of VLC are the low modulation capacity and bandwidth. Hence, the binding requirement causing this limitation is the intensity modulation direct detection requiring the signal to be unipolar and real. In this dissertation, we propose a higher capacity scheme merging two di↵erent types of users in one. NOMA-SSK hybrid combines both, space shift keying (SSK) and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) techniques. In this scheme, all users in the network receive the same superimposed signal of all NOMA users which is transmitted from the activated transmitters that correspond to the multiplexed SSK users information. In this context, we also investigate the bit error rate (BER) performance at each receiver. Furthermore, an e↵ective maximum likelihood detection has been used in this scheme.
Date of AwardMar 2020
Original languageAmerican English


  • Visible Light Communication
  • Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access
  • Intensity Modulation
  • Space Shift Keying
  • Bit-Error Rate Performance.

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