Unit upper truncated Weibull distribution with extension to 0 and 1 inflated model – Theory and applications

I.E. Okorie, E. Afuecheta, H.S. Bakouch

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4 Scopus citations


A two-parameter unit distribution and its regression model plus its extension to 0 and 1 inflation is introduced and studied. The distribution is called the unit upper truncated Weibull (UUTW) distribution, while the inflated variant is called the 0−1 inflated unit upper truncated Weibull (ZOIUUTW) distribution. The UUTW distribution has an increasing and a J-shaped hazard rate function. The parameters of the proposed models are estimated by the method of maximum likelihood estimation. For the UUTW distribution, two practical examples involving household expenditure and maximum flood level data are used to show its flexibility and the proposed distribution demonstrates better fit tendencies than some of the competing unit distributions. Application of the proposed regression model demonstrates adequate capability in describing the real data set with better modeling proficiency than the existing competing models. Then, for the ZOIUUTW distribution, the CD34+ data involving cancer patients are analyzed to show the flexibility of the model in characterizing inflation at both endpoints of the unit interval. © 2023 The Author(s)
Original languageBritish English
Issue number11
StatePublished - 2023


  • Cox-Snell residuals
  • Household income and expenditure
  • Inequality measures
  • Regression
  • Simulation
  • Statistical model


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