Two-site colloid transport with reversible and irreversible attachment: Analytical solutions

Vasileios E. Katzourakis, Constantinos V. Chrysikopoulos

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

26 Scopus citations


Analytical solutions for colloid transport in water saturated, one-dimensional, homogeneous porous media, under fully developed uniform flow are presented. The colloids can be either suspended in the aqueous phase or attached reversibly and/or irreversibly onto the solid matrix. Both attachment rates are assumed linear, and any possible blocking or ripening effects are neglected. The colloids can be either of neutral density or denser than the water. For dense colloids, gravity effects are accounted for. Gravity may enhance or hinder the migration of dense colloids, depending on the flow direction. Upstream boundary conditions for both instantaneous and broad-pulse colloid injections are accounted for. The new analytical solutions were used to successfully fit available experimental data.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)29-36
Number of pages8
JournalAdvances in Water Resources
StatePublished - Aug 2019


  • Irreversible attachment
  • Mathematical modeling
  • Porous media
  • Reversible attachment
  • Transport


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