Toward Offloading Internet of Vehicles Applications in 5G Networks

Shaohua Wan, Renhao Gu, Tariq Umer, Khaled Salah, Xiaolong Xu

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63 Scopus citations


The demand for real-time communication and high performance of the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) system has caused researches to investigate new techniques in edge computing (EC). With the rapid development of the fifth-generation (5G) network, the features of low delay, high reliability and superior communication efficiency can bring historic opportunities for the development of the EC-IoV system. In the 5G-enabled EC-IoV system, extreme densification of 5G base stations (gNBs) provides rapid and reliable network access and information interaction. However, this densification also brings more complex connectivity to the network, which increases the difficulty of resource migration and scheduling for the edge devices. Thus, it is still a challenge to manage the resources of the edge devices under the premise of reducing the energy and time cost in the system while avoiding the situation of overload or underload to maintain the stability of the system. In this article, a 5G-enabled EC-IoV system framework is proposed to enhance the performance of ∗the existing EC-IoV system. Specific computation offloading in 5G-enabled EC-IoV system is presented under three different cases. Through the above cases, two communication modes are concluded and the corresponding resource allocation strategy is given in this article. The performance of the proposed system is evaluated and compared with the existing system. Finally, future research directions in this area are considered.

Original languageBritish English
Article number9184262
Pages (from-to)4151-4159
Number of pages9
JournalIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 2021


  • Computation offloading
  • edge computing (EC)
  • fifth-generation (5G) networks
  • Internet of Vehicles (IoV)


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