Thinking Meillassoux’s Factiality: A pedagogical movement against ossification of bodymind

Sevket Benhur Oral

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Scopus citations


    Abstract: This article is about a pedagogical movement I discern in Quentin Meillassoux’s ontology. The goal of the essay is to introduce his approach to reality in outline form and offer it as a possible route to conceptualize education as the practice of keeping the bodymind attentive and agile against its unsound ossification by way of providing a unified heightened sense of meaning, that is, consummatory experience, in a radically open and contingent world. Meillassoux offers a new conception of necessity and contingency based on the Badioun principle that ‘nothing is inaccessible to reason.’ This move helps Meillassoux to claim that reason can access the absolute for there is no inaccessible necessary transcendence by providing an intriguing critique of the principle of sufficient reason. As a result, Meillassoux’s argument leads to the conclusion that the only necessity is contingency itself. By excluding any necessary being, but also maintaining the absolute necessity of contingency itself, Meillassoux establishes what he calls the “factial.” Meillassoux’s factiality induce pedagogical interventions that lead to acquiring a new point of view whereby ossification of bodymind is staved off and a state of mind that is endlessly fascinated by the immanence, or the most radical becoming, of the world is achieved.

    Original languageBritish English
    Pages (from-to)1082-1095
    Number of pages14
    JournalEducational Philosophy and Theory
    Issue number10
    StatePublished - 24 Aug 2015


    • factiality
    • Meillassoux
    • ontology
    • ossification of bodymind
    • speculative materialism


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