The influence of many body and electron nonparabolicity effects in the intersubband optical spectra of III-V quantum wells

M. F. Pereira, H. Wenzel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


A study was performed on the influence of many body and electron nonparabolicity effects on the intersubband optical spectra of III-V quantum wells. The effective masses adjusted to the non parabolic electron subbands obtained from the solution of an 8×8 KP Hamiltonian were used as input for many particle optical susceptibility solver. The exchange and depolarization effects were considered through numerical inversion of the Keldysh Green's functions equations for the optical polarization.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)261-264
Number of pages4
JournalMicroelectronic Engineering
Issue number2-4
StatePublished - Sep 2003


  • Electron nonparabolicity
  • Intersubband transitions
  • Many body effects


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