The effects of ultrasonic treated whey on the structure formation in food systems based on whey in combination with pectin and agar-agar

Olga N. Krasulya, Nina I. Dunchenko, Valentina S. Yankovskaya, Elena S. Voloshina, Srinivas Mettu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


We studied the effects of ultrasonicated whey in food systems with the structure-forming additives such as pectin and agar-agar. The high-intensity (45KHz, 40 W with cavitation) ultrasonic treated whey was used. The conditions and optimal modes of cavitation based ultrasonic processing of curd milk whey have been determined. The mechanism of structure formation has been studied in detail. From the studies carried out, the scientific basis for the choice of structure-forming agents in food systems was established along with the range of rational concentrations of pectin and agar-agar. It was shown that in the case of processing milk curd whey by the cavitation method, the concentration of the structure former can be reduced by 2 times compared to using non-sonicated whey in the food system thus saving costs on the raw materials. It was established that high-purity cavity treatment minimizes gel-like food systems set time up to 20% compared to the control within 15 min. The duration of high-purity treatment within 15 min contributes to an increase in penetration pressure, which characterizes the texture of the gel-like food two times.

Original languageBritish English
Article number106073
JournalUltrasonics Sonochemistry
StatePublished - Aug 2022


  • Cavitation treatment
  • Food structure
  • Gel-like food systems
  • Ultrasound
  • Whey


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