Temperature and loading rate effects on the fracture behaviour of adhesively bonded GFRP Nylon-6,6

G. A. Wade, W. J. Cantwell

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


The combined effect of varying test temperature and loading rate on the Mode II fracture toughness of plasma-treated GFRP Nylon-6,6 composites bonded using a silica-reinforced epoxy adhesive has been studied. End notch flexure tests have shown that the adhesive system used in this study offers a wide range of fracture energies that are extremely sensitive to changes in temperature and loading rate. Increasing the test temperature resulted in a substantial reduction in the Mode II fracture toughness of the adhesive, with the value of GIIc at 60°C being approximately one-half of the room temperature value. In contrast, increasing the crosshead displacement rate at a given temperature has been shown to increase the value of GIIc by up to 250%. Compression tests performed on bulk adhesive specimens revealed similar trends in the value of σy with temperature and loading rate. In addition, it was found that the plasma treatment employed in this study resulted in stable crack propagation through the adhesive layer under all testing conditions. A more detailed understanding of the effect of varying temperature and loading rate on the failure mechanisms occurring at the crack tip was achieved using the double end notch flexure (DENF) geometry, which was considered in tandem with the fracture surface morphologies. Here, changes in the degree of matrix shear yielding and particle-matrix debonding were used to explain the trends in σy and GIIc.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)245-264
Number of pages20
JournalJournal of Adhesion
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2001


  • Failure mechanisms
  • Fracture energy
  • Loading rate
  • Silica-filled epoxy
  • Temperature
  • Yield stress


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