Techniques for evaluating interfacial properties of fibre-matrix composites

L. M. Zhou, Y. W. Mai, L. Ye, J. K. Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

27 Scopus citations


Several experimental and theoretical methods developed to evaluate the interfacial properties of fibre-matrix composites are summarised along with their applicability and limitations. The fracture mechanics analyses of fibre pull-out and push-out tests are presented to characterise the fibre-matrix interface failure behaviour in composites. The debonded region of composite interfaces between fibre and matrix is regarded as an interfacial crack and its propagation is dependent on the energy balance criterion in terms of an interfacial fracture toughness being satisfied. The analytical characterisations of the interfaces of fibre composites presented in this study provide a theoretical basis for experimental evaluations of the interfacial properties such as the interfacial fracture toughness Gic, the residual clamping stress q0 and the coefficient of interfacial friction μ.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)549-600
Number of pages52
JournalKey Engineering Materials
Issue numberPt 2
StatePublished - 1995


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