Synthesis of process configurations and solvent blend for CO2 capture from CCGT power plants

Nahyan Arshad, Ahmed Al Hajaj

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    Post-combustion CO2 capture (PCCC) from flue gas of power plants is a promising route to mitigate the climate change in the near term. However, high energy consumption remains the major challenge of MEA based PCCC process. This study aims to investigate the potential of a hybrid approach by replacing MEA with an energy efficient MDEA/PZ blend and applying process configurations to have the maximum reduction in the regeneration energy. Rigorous rate-based model of a MDEA/PZ based PCCC process integrated with a 750 MW CCGT power plant was developed in Aspen Plus. In addition, the study examined the synergistic effects of combining three process configurations in a single flowsheet on the regeneration energy. The energy analysis results show that AIC+RSS+LVC is the energy-optimal combination as it provides the lowest regeneration energy (2.12 GJ/tCO2). However, considering the significant electricity consumption by the lean vapor compressor, the equivalent energy results highlight that AIC+RSS+IHS is the optimum combination as it results in lowest equivalent energy (0.985 GJ/tCO2) corresponding to an overall energy saving of 8.96%.

    Original languageBritish English
    Title of host publicationComputer Aided Chemical Engineering
    PublisherElsevier B.V.
    Number of pages6
    StatePublished - Jan 2023

    Publication series

    NameComputer Aided Chemical Engineering
    ISSN (Print)1570-7946


    • Energy savings
    • MDEA/PZ
    • Post-combustion CO capture
    • Process configurations


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