Six Sigma in the software industry: Results from a pilot study

Jiju Antony, Craig Fergusson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

103 Scopus citations


Six Sigma is a disciplined approach to define, measure, analyse, improve and control processes that result in variability and defect reduction. Although Six Sigma has been widely embraced by many world class manufacturing companies, it is still new in the software industry. This paper initially makes an attempt to compare software industry with manufacturing industry. This is followed by presenting the results from a pilot survey on Six Sigma in the software industry. The focus is on the Six Sigma tools and techniques used by software industry, key Six Sigma metrics used by the software businesses, important attributes in the software development process and finally critical success factors for successful implementation of Six Sigma in software industry.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)1025-1032
Number of pages8
JournalManagerial Auditing Journal
Issue number8
StatePublished - 1 Oct 2004


  • Computer software
  • Critical success factors
  • Statistical process control


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