Seismic attenuation estimation from zero-offset VSP data using seismic interferometry

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27 Scopus citations


Although seismic attenuation measurements have great potential to enhance our knowledge of physical conditions and rock properties, their application is limited because robust methods for improving both the resolution and accuracy of attenuation estimates have not yet been established. We propose attenuation estimation methods for zero-offset vertical seismic profile (VSP) data by combining seismic interferometry (SI) and the modified median frequency shift (MMFS) method developed for attenuation estimation using sonic waveform data. The configuration of zero-offset VSP data is redatumed to that of the sonic logging measurement by adopting two types of SI: deconvolution interferometry and crosscorrelation interferometry (CCI). Then, we can apply the MMFS method to the redatumed VSP data. Although the amplitude information estimated from CCI is biased, we propose a correction method for this bias to correctly estimate attenuation. First, to investigate the performance both in resolution and accuracy, we apply different trace separations to synthetic data with random noise at different signal-to-noise ratio levels. Second, we estimate the influence of residual reflection events after wavefield separation on attenuation estimation. The proposed methods provide more stable attenuation estimates in comparison with the spectral ratio method because the mean-median procedure suppresses random events and characteristic features caused by residual reflection events in spectral domain. Our numerical experiments also imply that the proposed methods can estimate scattering attenuation values even if frequency components are not changed between the two receiver depths. Finally, by preliminarily applying the proposed methods to field VSP data, we demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method in the resolution and stability of attenuation estimates and these observations correlate with those of numerical tests.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)1288-1307
Number of pages20
JournalGeophysical Journal International
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Feb 2016


  • Downhole methods
  • Gas and hydrate systems
  • Interferometry
  • Seismic attenuation


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