Rigid block sliding to idealized acceleration pulses

Elia Voyagaki, George Mylonakis, Ioannis N. Psycharis

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26 Scopus citations


New analytical solutions are derived for the frictional sliding of rigid blocks to idealized ground acceleration pulses. These excitations are indicative of near-fault earthquake motions affected by forward fault-rupture directivity, which may inflict large permanent displacements in the absence of substantial frictional resistance at the sliding interface. The scope of this study is threefold: (1) to derive analytical solutions for a wide set of idealized pulses; (2) to investigate the effects of symmetric and asymmetric sliding under both unilateral and bilateral excitation conditions; and (3) to explore alternative normalization schemes of peak sliding with reference to peak pulse acceleration, velocity, duration, and shape. A generalized exponential function, capable of simulating an infinite number of pulse waveforms based on a single parameter, is employed to this end. Results are presented in the form of dimensionless closed-form expressions and graphs that provide insight into the physics of the nonlinear problem.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)1071-1083
Number of pages13
JournalJournal of Engineering Mechanics
Issue number9
StatePublished - 2012


  • Asymmetric friction
  • Closed-form solution
  • Near-fault
  • Pulse
  • Sliding
  • Stick-slip effect


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