Revisiting transit-oriented development: Alleys as critical walking infrastructure

Khaled Alawadi, Asim Khanal, Azhar Doudin, Rahma Abdelghani

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


A key component of TOD planning is pedestrians' access to transit stations. An often-underrated component of the urban fabric is alleyways. Alleys are largely neglected in assessments of walkability and network connectivity in TOD contexts. This paper examines the contribution of alleyways in enhancing the connectivity efficiency of twelve metro stations in Dubai. Prior studies identified four phases of Dubai's evolution: Organic, Pre-suburban, Suburban, and Bigness. These phases represent variations in street networks' and alleys' configurations. This study quantifies alleyways' contribution to pedestrian connectivity in each phase by comparing two network scenarios: i) street networks only and ii) streets plus alleyways. Pedestrian connectivity in this study measures both the distance and the directness of pedestrian routes. Distance is computed using the concept of pedestrian catchment areas (PCAs), while directness is measured using the concept of pedestrian route directness (PRD). Findings show a decreasing trend over time in street network efficiency and an increase in overall street network connectivity when alleys are included in the analysis. Results indicate that alleys in many cases turn disconnected street networks into more efficient ones. Results highlight alleyways’ potential to promote walkability around transit stations. The article argues that alleys warrant a rebirth in urban design scholarship and practice.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)187-202
Number of pages16
JournalTransport Policy
StatePublished - Jan 2021


  • Alleyways
  • Connectivity
  • Pedestrian route directness
  • TODs


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