Review Map of Comparative Designs for Wireless High-Power Transfer Systems in EV Applications: Maximum Efficiency, ZPA, and CC/CV Modes at Fixed Resonance Frequency Independent from Coupling Coefficient

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

83 Scopus citations


This article proposes a review map for comparative designs of wireless high-power transfer (WHPT) systems using single- and double-resonance blocks. In-depth analyses and key guidelines are provided to design high-efficiency WHPT systems while keeping zero-phase-angle/unity-power-factor and constant-current/voltage supply to the load. Basic single- and double-resonance blocks based on LC-resonant circuits are analyzed. Then, resonant S- and T-blocks are recommended as the best transmission blocks for competitive designs. The proposed approach is applied to map recent developments on the wireless charging technologies for electric vehicles (EVs), especially for weak-coupling systems and dynamic-charging technologies. The proposed design approach offers a systematic and effective methodology to quickly evaluate current technologies and solutions for WHPTs in EVs applications. In extension, this article indicates different control strategies for WHPTs, especially for optimal-efficiency tracking. Design guidelines and control strategies are provided to achieve the maximum efficiency at a standard resonance frequency against variations from loads and coupling coefficients in operation which can easily map to recent research works and future research directions. Experimental verifications of dominant designs are also presented to validate the proposed approach. The map for comparative designs and control structures presented in this article aims to serve as a guideline and to ease the initial steps for other researchers in this area.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)4857-4876
Number of pages20
JournalIEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2022


  • Battery charger
  • dynamic charging
  • electric vehicles (EVs)
  • maximum power transfer efficiency
  • wireless charging
  • wireless high-power transfer (WHPT)


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