Recent advances on MEMS based Infrared Thermopile detectors

Sofiane Ben Mbarek, Nouha Alcheikh, Mohammad I. Younis

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9 Scopus citations


During the last decade, IR MEMS thermopile detectors have become a topic of increasing interest because of their reliable characteristics and excellent cost-performance ratio. Because of their many attractive characteristics, thermopile detectors have been frequently used in various IR detection applications. In this paper, we present an overview of the recent advances on MEMS based infrared detectors. The first part deals with the IR MEMS thermopile concepts and discusses the recent state of the art of IR absorber designs, thermocouple designs, and their materials processing. The status of IR MEMS detectors performances is examined in the second part and summarized by presenting findings from the last decade. It is concluded that the latest developments in MEMS technology and thermoelectric materials offer high potential for innovative solutions to improve the IR thermopile performances.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)1751-1764
Number of pages14
JournalMicrosystem Technologies
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 2022


  • Absorber
  • Infrared detector
  • MEMS Thermopile
  • Thermocouple


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