Quantitative analysis of dendritic morphology of the alpha and delta retinal ganglion cells in the rat: A cell classification study

Nebojša T. Milošević, Dušan Ristanović, Herbert F. Jelinek, Katarina Rajković

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31 Scopus citations


Type I retinal ganglion cells in the rat have been classified into several groups based on the cell body size and dendritic morphology. Considerable overlap and heterogeneity within groups have been reported, which is especially obvious for the morphology of the dendritic tree. For that purpose, we analysed quantitatively the dendritic morphology of the alpha and delta rat retinal ganglion cells, using parameters which provide information on the dendritic field size, shape of the dendritic tree and dendritic branching complexity. We show that the alpha and delta cells have significantly different dendritic field sizes. Taking into account the level of stratification of the dendritic tree, we found a difference in the properties of the dendritic morphology between alpha inner and alpha outer cells, while the opposite result was obtained for the delta inner and delta outer delta cells. In this study we also call attention to the relationship between morphological parameters and retinal eccentricity. The significance of our quantitative results in terms of present alpha and delta rat retinal ganglion cell classification is discussed.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)142-150
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Theoretical Biology
Issue number1
StatePublished - 7 Jul 2009


  • Circularity
  • Dendritic field area
  • Eccentricity
  • Fractal dimension
  • Stratification


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