Probing power laws in multifrequency AFM

Sergio Santos, Karim Gadelrab, Tuza Olukan, Josep Font, Victor Barcons, Matteo Chiesa

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3 Scopus citations


Quantification of conservative forces in multifrequency atomic force microscopy requires solving the general equations of the theory expressed in terms of the virials of interaction. Power law expressions are commonly utilized when dealing with electrostatic, ferroelectric, magnetic, or long range (van der Waals) forces. Here, we discuss long range forces modeled in terms of power laws (n), where the exponent n covers the range n = 2-5, and employ the multifrequency theory to explore the relevant parameter space. Numerical integration of the equations of motion suggest that only a narrow range of operational parameters are available when imaging where the approximations are valid. Albeit these conditions exist, and the corresponding errors can be as low as 10% throughout for all exponents explored.

Original languageBritish English
Article number071603
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number7
StatePublished - 13 Feb 2023


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