Poisson and Symplectic Structures, Hamiltonian Action, Momentum and Reduction

Vladimir Roubtsov, Denys Dutykh

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This manuscript is essentially a collection of lecture notes which were given by the first author at the Summer School Wisła–2019, Poland and written down by the second author. As the title suggests, the material covered here includes the Poisson and symplectic structures (Poisson manifolds, Poisson bi-vectors, and Poisson brackets), group actions and orbits (infinitesimal action, stabilizers, and adjoint representations), moment maps, Poisson and Hamiltonian actions. Finally, the phase space reduction is also discussed. The very last section introduces the Poisson–Lie structures along with some related notions. This text represents a brief review of a well-known material citing standard references for more details. The exposition is concise, but pedagogical. The authors believe that it will be useful as an introductory exposition for students interested in this specific topic.

Original languageBritish English
Title of host publicationTutorials, Schools, and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences
Number of pages29
StatePublished - 2021

Publication series

NameTutorials, Schools, and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences
ISSN (Print)2522-0969
ISSN (Electronic)2522-0977


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