Phase-Shifted Bragg Grating Inscription in PMMA Microstructured POF Using 248-nm UV Radiation

Luis M. Pereira, A. Pospori, Paulo Antunes, Maria Fatima Domingues, S. Marques, Ole Bang, David J. Webb, Carlos A.F. Marques

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

32 Scopus citations


In this work, we experimentally validate and characterize the first phase-shifted polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings (PS-POFBGs) produced using a single pulse from a 248-nm krypton fluoride laser. A single-mode poly (methyl methacrylate) optical fiber with a core doped with benzyl dimethyl ketal for photosensitivity improvement was used. A uniform phase mask customized for 850-nm grating inscription was used to inscribe these Bragg structures. The phase shift defect was created directly during the grating inscription process by placing a narrow blocking aperture in the center of the UV beam. The produced high-quality Bragg grating structures, presenting a double dips, reject 16.3 dB (97.6% reflectivity) and 13.2 dB (95.2% reflectivity) of the transmitted power, being therefore appropriate for sensing or other photonic applications. Its transmission spectrum possesses two sharp transmission notches, allowing a significant increase in measurement resolution compared to direct interrogation of a single grating. The reflection and transmission spectra when multiple phase shifts are introduced in the fiber Bragg grating structure are also shown. The PS-POFBG's strain, temperature, pressure, and humidity characteristics have been experimentally analyzed in detail to assess their potential usage as sensors.

Original languageBritish English
Article number8100922
Pages (from-to)5176-5184
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Lightwave Technology
Issue number23
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2017


  • Fiber Bragg gratings
  • notch filter
  • optical filtering
  • polymer optical fiber sensors
  • ultrasonic detection


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