Performance Analysis of Buffer-Aided Hybrid NOMA/OMA in Cooperative Uplink System

Peng Xu, Jianping Quan, Zheng Yang, Gaojie Chen, Zhiguo Ding

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21 Scopus citations


This paper investigates a cooperative uplink system where two users wish to send messages to a base station with the help of a buffer-aided relay. Transmission modes in terms of both non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and orthogonal multiple access (OMA) are considered. For the considered system, the probability for the user-to-relay channels to successfully perform NOMA is first theoretically derived in two scenarios of dynamic and fixed power controls (PCs) at users. Then, an efficient buffer-aided hybrid NOMA/OMA based mode selection (MS) scheme is proposed, which adaptively switches between the NOMA and OMA transmission modes according to the instantaneous strength of wireless channels and the buffer state. The state transmission matrix probabilities of the corresponding Markov chain is also derived, and the performance of the proposed hybrid NOMA/OMA scheme is analyzed with closed-form expressions, in terms of sum throughput, outage probability, diversity gain, and average packet delay. For both the dynamic and fixed PCs, the proposed scheme is proved to achieve a diversity gain of two when the buffer size is not smaller than three, which means that fixed PC will not lead to a loss of diversity gain.

Original languageBritish English
Article number8910580
Pages (from-to)168759-168773
Number of pages15
JournalIEEE Access
StatePublished - 2019


  • buffer-aided relay
  • hybrid NOMA/OMA
  • mode selection
  • NOMA
  • power control


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