Paragenesis of akatoreite and ganophyllite in the manganiferous rocks of the Haste field, Norberg ore district, central Sweden.

P. Ounchanum, S. Morad

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1 Scopus citations


The chemistry, texture and mode of occurrence of secondary akatoreite and ganophyllite in intercalations of manganiferous rocks in K-rich acid metavolcanics from the Haste field are described. The average of 8 microprobe analyses of akatoreite gave SiO2 36.9, TiO2 0.1, Al2O3 6.2, FeO 0.9, MnO 44.2, MgO 0.8, CaO 0.2, H2O (diff.) 10.7, = 100.0. The average of 5 analyses of ganophyllite gave SiO2 40.1, TiO2 0.2, Al2O3 6.8, FeO 0.6, MnO 34.5, MgO 0.6 CaO 1.0, Na2O 1.0, K2O 3.1, H2O (diff.) 12.1, = 100.0. These manganiferous rocks are represented by four major parageneses, primarily containing urbanite, braunite, richterite, rhodonite, hematite, andradite and spessartine; the secondary akatoreite and ganophyllite have commonly replaced richterite and urbanite.-R.A.H.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)225-244
Number of pages20
JournalNeues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1987


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