Orbital glass in HTSC: a new state of condensed matter

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10 Scopus citations


We show that in granular high-temperature superconductors (HTSC) at small magnetic fields the Meissner effect may disappear. A possible explanation for this effect may be related to the existence of special loops of Josephson junctions with positive and negative Josephson couplings. These loops have been observed in a large number of experiments in granular HTSC. On the Josephson loop with an odd number of negative couplings a spontaneous orbital moment is created. The new state of the HTSC with orbital moments, which indeed is a new state of Condensed Matter, is characterized by the coexistence of the orbital paramagnetic state with the superconducting state. If the Coulomb blockade is taken into account, the critical field Hc0 of the transition into the new orbital glass state increases. The new state exists only for magnetic fields H≤Hc0. We have estimated the value of orbital moments and also the influence of the charging energy on orbital magnetism. We show that the critical field Hc0 of the orbital paramagnetic glass transition is inversely proportional to the surface area S of an average loop of Josephson junctions in granular HTSC or the cross-sectional area of an average grain S: Hc0∼ΦH0/S, where Φ0 is the elementary flux quantum. Recent experiments demonstrate that at small magnetic fields (0.1-2 Oe) the Meissner effect in granular HTSC (2212-Bi compound) and in other compounds disappears. If we insert in our formula an appropriate value for the cross-section of an average grain, we obtain Hc0 of the order of 2 Oe. This confirms the prediction of our theory on the existence of a new critical field Hc0, which we call the orbital glass critical field.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)463-469
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Superconductivity
Issue number5
StatePublished - Oct 1992


  • high-temperature superconductors
  • Josephson effect
  • Orbital glass


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