Optimized waveform relaxation methods for RC circuits: Discrete case

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17 Scopus citations


The optimized waveform relaxation (OWR) methods, benefiting from intelligent information exchange between subsystems - the so-called transmission conditions (TCs), are recognized as efficient solvers for large scale circuits and get a lot of attention in recent years. The TCs contain a free parameter, namely α, which has a significant influence on the convergence rates. So far, the analysis of finding the best parameter is merely performed at the continuous level and such an analysis does not take into account the influence of temporal discretizations. In this paper, we show that the temporal discretizations do have an important effect on the OWR methods. Precisely, for the Backward-Euler method, compared to the parameter αcopt α opt c from the continuous analysis, we show that the convergence rates can be further improved by using the one αdopt α opt d analyzed at the discrete level, while for the Trapezoidal rule, it is better to use αcopt α opt c. This conclusion is confirmed by numerical results.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)209-223
Number of pages15
JournalESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2017


  • Discretization
  • Parameter optimization
  • RC circuits
  • Waveform relaxation (WR)


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