Optimization of two‐stage ipd‐(1+i) controllers for frequency regulation of sustainable energy based hybrid microgrid network

Abdul Latif, S. M. Suhail Hussain, Dulal Chandra Das, Taha Selim Ustun

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    33 Scopus citations


    Sustainable energy based hybrid microgrids are advantageous in meeting constantly in-creasing energy demands. Conversely, the intermittent nature of renewable sources represents the main challenge to achieving a reliable supply. Hence, load frequency regulation by adjusting the amount of power shared between subsystems is considered as a promising research field. Therefore, this paper presents a new stratagem for frequency regulation by developing a novel two stage inte-gral‐proportional‐derivative with one plus integral (IPD‐(1+I)) controller for multi sources islanded microgrid system (MS‐IμGS). The proposed stratagem has been tested in an MS‐IμGS comprising of a wind turbine, parabolic trough, biodiesel generators, solid‐oxide fuel cell, and electric water heater. The proposed model under different scenarios is simulated in MATLAB environment considering the real‐time recorded wind data. A recently developed sine‐cosine algorithmic technique (SCA) has been leveraged for optimal regulation of frequency in the considered microgrid. To iden-tify the supremacy of the proposed technique, comparative studies with other classical controllers with different optimization techniques have been performed. From the comparison, it is clearly ev-ident that, SCA‐(IPD‐(1+I)) controller gives better performance over other considered stratagems in terms of various time domain specific parameters, such as peak deviations (overshoot, undershoot) and settling time. Finally, the robustness of the proposed stratagem is evaluated by conducting sen-sitivity analysis under ±30% parametric variations and +30% load demand. The lab tests results val-idate the operation of the proposed system and show that it can be used to regulate the frequency in stand‐alone microgrids with a high penetration of renewable energy.

    Original languageBritish English
    Article number919
    JournalElectronics (Switzerland)
    Issue number8
    StatePublished - 2 Apr 2021


    • Frequency regulation
    • Multi sources islanded microgrid system (MS‐IμGS)
    • Sine‐cosine algorithmic technique
    • Two stage integral‐proportional‐derivative with one plus integral (IPD‐(1+I)) controller


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