One-dimensional virus transport in porous media with time- dependent inactivation rate coefficients

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62 Scopus citations


A model for virus transport in one-dimensional, homogeneous, saturated porous media is developed, accounting for virus sorption and inactivation of liquid phase and adsorbed viruses with different time dependent rate coefficients. The virus inactivation process is represented by a pseudo first-order rate expression. The pseudo first-order approximation is shown to simulate available experimental data from three virus inactivation batch studies better than the frequently employed constant rate inactivation model. Model simulations indicated that the pseudo first-order approximation, compared to the constant inactivation, leads to extended survival of viruses and, consequently, more distant migration. Results from a parameter sensitivity analysis demonstrated that estimation of pseudo first-order inactivation rate coefficients from field observations requires data collection near the source of virus contamination during initial stages of virus transport.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)2607-2611
Number of pages5
JournalWater Resources Research
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 1996


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