Micromechanics-based complex modulus prediction of crumb rubber modified bitumen considering interparticle interactions

Haopeng Wang, Hong Zhang, Xueyan Liu, Athanasios Skarpas, Sandra Erkens, Zhen Leng

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Crumb rubber modified bitumen (CRMB) can be regarded as a binary composite system in which swollen rubber particles are embedded in the bitumen matrix. The current study aims to further improve the prediction accuracy of micromechanical models for CRMB by considering the interparticle interactions. To accomplish this goal, two different strategies were used. Firstly, the (n+1)-phase model was applied to the CRMB system by considering the multilayer properties of swollen rubber particles. Secondly, a new micromechanical scheme called the J-C model was used to account for the interparticle interaction issue. Results show that the (n+1)-phase models slightly increase the prediction accuracy but the underestimation of complex modulus at lower frequencies remains unsolved. The J-C model remedies the underestimation of modulus in the low-frequency range by other models and provides an overall improvement for the relative prediction accuracy by properly addressing the interparticle interactions from the perspective of particle configuration.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)S251-S268
JournalRoad Materials and Pavement Design
Issue numberS1
StatePublished - 2021


  • complex shear modulus
  • Crumb rubber modified bitumen
  • interparticle interaction
  • micromechanics
  • radial distribution function


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