Meteoric Water Incursion, Crude Oil Degradation and Calcite Cementation of an Upper Cretaceous Reservoir in the Zagros Foreland Basin (Kurdistan Region of Iraq)

Howri Mansurbeg, Ibrahim Mohialdeen, Ali Al-Juboury, Namam Salih, Mohammad Alsuwaidi, Salahadin Shahrokhi, Ihsan Al-Aasm, Rebar Mahmmud, Albert Permanyer

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Scopus citations


    Field observations, together with the results of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and stable carbon isotope analysis of bitumen, coupled with fluid inclusion microthermometry and stable isotope analyses of closely associated vug- and fracture-filling columnar calcite in the Upper Cretaceous Bekhme Formation, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, suggest that the degradation of crude oil was caused by the regional incursion of meteoric waters. This incursion, which is interpreted to have occurred during tectonic uplift during the Zagros Orogeny, is evidenced by: (i) the depletion of n-alkanes and acyclic isoprenoid alkanes (pristane and phytane) in the bitumen; (ii) low δ13CVPDB values (−8.5‰ to −3.9‰) and δ18OVPDB values (−22.9‰ to −15.0‰), with more radiogenic Sr isotopic ratios (0.70771–0.70772) compared to Cretaceous seawater; and (iii) low salinity and low temperatures (20 to 40 °C) in fluid inclusions of the columnar calcite. This study demonstrates that regional meteoric water incursion into sedimentary basins can be linked to crude oil degradation accompanied by calcite cementation events in carbonate reservoirs.

    Original languageBritish English
    Article number1953
    JournalWater (Switzerland)
    Issue number10
    StatePublished - May 2023


    • columnar calcite cementation
    • crude oil degradation
    • Kurdistan Region Iraq
    • meteoric water incursion
    • upper cretaceous


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