Mesoscale power generation by a catalytic combustor using electrosprayed liquid hydrocarbons

Dimitrios C. Kyritsis, Ismael Guerrero-Arias, Subir Roychoudhury, Alessandro Gomez

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


A mesoscale catalytic combustor to be coupled with direct energy conversion modules for power production was developed. The combustor had a volume on the order of few cubic centimeters and operates on JP8 jet fuel, which is electro-sprayed at a flow rate on the order of 10 g/hr and equivalence ratios from 0.35:1 to 0.7:1. Temperatures at 900-1300 K were achieved with a ± 5% uniformity over the top circular surface of the burner. Using GC analysis of the exhaust gases, combustion efficiency on the order of 97% was estimated. No fouling, nor soot, nor NOx were detected in the exhaust gases, resulting in clean and efficient combustion of even environmentally problematic liquid hydrocarbons. Original is an abstract.

Original languageBritish English
Number of pages1
StatePublished - 2002
Event29th International Symposium on Combustion - Sapporo, Japan
Duration: 21 Jul 200226 Jul 2002


Conference29th International Symposium on Combustion


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