Mechanical and high pressure tribological properties of nanocrystalline Ti(N,C) and amorphous C:H nanocomposite coatings

C. Tsotsos, K. Polychronopoulou, N. G. Demas, G. Constantinides, S. Gravani, K. Böbel, M. A. Baker, A. A. Polycarpou, C. Rebholz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


This paper reports on the mechanical and high pressure tribological properties of nanocrystalline (nc-) Ti(N,C)/amorphous (a-) C:H deposited, using low temperature (∼ 200 °C) DC reactive magnetron sputtering. The mechanical properties are affected by the nc-Ti(N,C)/a-C:H phase fraction ratio. For increasing C contents (from 31 to 47 at.%) an increase of the a-C:H phase content and a degradation of the nanocrystalline phase occurs leading to a reduction in nanoindentation hardness (H) values (from 15 to 9 GPa) and reduced modulus (Er) values (from 150 to 80 GPa). A strong correlation between H/E ratio and wear performance was exhibited by the coatings. The synthesized coatings survived up to 100 m sliding distance when tested using pin-on-disc sliding configuration at > 4.5 GPa contact pressures and the measured friction coefficient values were similar for all films (μ ∼ 0.21-0.25).

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)960-963
Number of pages4
JournalDiamond and Related Materials
Issue number7-9
StatePublished - Jul 2010


  • DLC
  • Nanocomposite
  • Tribology
  • Wear


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