Measurement, mitigation and prevention of food waste in supply chains: An online shopping perspective

Vasco Sanchez Rodrigues, Emrah Demir, Xun Wang, Joseph Sarkis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

28 Scopus citations


This study introduces a framework and model, although applied in a practical setting, sets the stage for further theoretical development of mid-range theory. The methodology applied in the study has four main stages, namely interviews with managers from an online food retail supply chain, analysis of soft and hard data using questionnaire-based surveys of customers and suppliers, archival and factual information gathered from the supplier and the online food retailer to measure food waste across the supply chain and analytical models to quantify various effects. A number of propositions emerged from our multiple methodologies and observations. The major research contribution of this work is to advance Natural Resource Based View (NRBV) to the supply chain and various complexities involved in food waste management. Dynamic capabilities were clearly evident and necessary in rapidly changing industrial contexts such as online food supply chains. This paper also proposes a food waste minimization-and-mitigation model, establishes the direct and indirect outputs of food waste and brings attention of the food waste debate in the context of an exemplar online food supply chain, as well as provides a middle range theoretic framework to enhance understanding on theory and its application to this field informed mainly NRBV.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)545-562
Number of pages18
JournalIndustrial Marketing Management
StatePublished - Feb 2021


  • Food waste management
  • Natural resource based view
  • Online food retail supply chain


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