Magnetic fabric analyses of basin inversion: A sandbox modelling approach

Thorben Schöfisch, Hemin Koyi, Bjarne Almqvist

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    1 Scopus citations


    A magnetic fabric analysis is a useful tool to display deformation in nature and in models. In this study, three sandbox models represent basin inversion above a velocity discontinuity (base plate). After complete deformation of each model, samples were taken in different parts of the models (along faults and areas away from faults) for magnetic fabric analysis. Model I, which simulates basin formation during extension, shows two kinds of magnetic fabric: An "undeformed"/initial fabric in areas away from faults and a normal fault-induced fabric with a magnetic foliation that tends to align with the fault surface. Models II and III were extended to the same stage as Model I but were subsequently shortened/inverted by 1.5g€¯cm (Model II) and 4g€¯cm (Model III). Both inverted models developed "thrusts"during inversion. The thrusts show an alignment of magnetic foliation parallel to the fault surfaces that depends on the maturity of the thrust. Our results highlight that thrusting is more efficient in aligning the magnetic fabric along them compared to normal faults. Moreover, models II and III reveal a magnetic fabric overprint towards a penetrative strain-induced fabric (magnetic lineation perpendicular to shortening direction) with increasing strain in areas away from thrusts. Such overprint shows a gradual transition of a magnetic fabric to a penetrative strain-induced fabric and further into a thrust-induced fabric during shortening/inversion. In contrast, extension (Model I) developed distinct magnetic fabrics without gradual overprint. In addition, pre-existing normal faults are also overprinted to a penetrative strain-induced fabric during model inversion. They define weak zones within the main pop-up imbricate and steepen during model inversion. Steepening influences the magnetic fabric at the faults and, in general, the strain propagation through the model during inversion. The magnetic fabric extracted from the models presented here reflect the different stages of basin development and inversion. This study is a first attempt of applying magnetic fabric analyses on models simulating inverted basins. This study illustrates the possibility of applying a robust tool, i.e. magnetic fabric analyses, to sandbox models, whose initial, intermediate, and final stages are well documented, to understand fabric development in inverted tectonic regimes.

    Original languageBritish English
    Pages (from-to)447-461
    Number of pages15
    JournalSolid Earth
    Issue number4
    StatePublished - 27 Apr 2023


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