Low-power, dynamic-data-rate protocol for IoT communication

Shahzad Muzaffar, Ibrahim Abe M. Elfadel

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The most common operation of an IoT sensor is that of short activity bursts separated by long time intervals in sleep or listen modes. During the data bursts, sensed information has to be reliably communicated in real time without draining the energy resources of the sensor node. One way to save such resources is to efficiently code the data burst, use single-channel communication, and adopt ultra-low-power communication circuit techniques. Clock-data recovery (CDR) circuits are typically significant consumers of energy on traditional single-channel communication protocols. In this chapter, a novel single-channel protocol is presented that does not require any CDR circuitry. The protocol is based on the novel concept of a pulsed index where data are encoded to minimize the number of ON bits, move them to the LSB end of the packet, and transmit the ON bit indices in the form of a pulse stream. The pulse count is equal to the index of the ON bit. This protocol is called Pulsed-Index Communication (PIC). Beside the elimination of CDR, the implementation of PIC is very area-efficient, low-power, and highly tolerant of clocking differences between transmitter and receiver. Both an FPGA and an ASIC implementation of the protocol are presented and used to illustrate the performance, reliability, and power consumption features of PIC signaling. In particular, the chapter shows that for an ASIC implementation on 65 nm technology, PIC can reduce area by more than 80% and power by more than 70% in comparison with a CDR-based serial bit transfer protocol.

Original languageBritish English
Title of host publicationThe IoT Physical Layer
Subtitle of host publicationDesign and Implementation
Number of pages39
ISBN (Electronic)9783319931005
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2018


  • Automatic protocol configuration
  • Cdr-less protocol
  • Dynamic signaling
  • Internet of things
  • Power management
  • Pulsed-index communication
  • Single-channel and low-power communication


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