LES study of the combined effects of groups of vortices generated by a pulsating turbulent plane jet impinging on a semi-cylinder

Nabil Kharoua, Lyes Khezzar, Zoubir Nemouchi, Mohamed Alshehhi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Scopus citations


The present work is a numerical study of a submerged pulsating plane turbulent jet impinging on a convex semi-cylinder placed at a distance equal to twice the nozzle-exit width, using the Large Eddy Simulation approach. The temperature of the jet is higher than that of the surrounding air and the impingement wall. The Reynolds number, based on the nozzle-exit width and the time-averaged velocity is equal to 5600. The inflow is forced at a frequency of 600 Hz by imposing a sinusoidal velocity profile at the nozzle exit. The study focuses on the effects of the organized structures, shed from the free-shear layer, on the boundary layer developing along the curved surface and the corresponding heat transfer. In particular, the present contribution is an investigation, in an unexplored research field, namely, the simultaneous time-dependent responses of the Nusselt number, the friction coefficient and the pressure profiles to the passage of the coherent structures along the curved wall. The passage of the primary coherent vortices induces secondary vortices within the boundary layer and entrains both the hot air, from the jet, and the cold air, from the surroundings, which is undesirable in heating applications. The primary vortices, the induced vortices and their pairing have a major effect on the heat and fluid flow. Thus, air is entrained towards the wall immediately downstream of the induced vortices (downwash) and ejected away from the wall just upstream (upwash). It is shown that the dynamic field can be uncorrelated with the thermal field and may not be sufficient for a good prediction of the expected heat transfer.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)948-960
Number of pages13
JournalApplied Thermal Engineering
StatePublished - 2017


  • Forcing frequency
  • Impinging jet
  • Large Eddy Simulation
  • Pulsating jet
  • Steady jet


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