Investigation of the Fe doping effect on the B-site of the layered perovskite PrBa 0.8 Ca 0.2 Co 2 O 5+Δ for a promising cathode material of the intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells

Chaehyun Lim, Sivaprakash Sengodan, Donghwi Jeong, Jeeyoung Shin, Guntae Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

39 Scopus citations


Layered perovskites can be considered as promising cathode materials for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cell because of their fast oxygen kinetics compared to simple perovskites. Among them, the cobalt-based layered perovskites are considered as very promising cathode materials due to its high conductivity and fast oxygen kinetics, but they are unstable under operating condition. Doping other transition metal such as Fe, Mn, Cu, and Ni can be considered to solve the instability of the cobalt-based layered perovskites. In this paper, we investigated Fe doped cobalt-based layered perovskite, PrBa 0.8 Ca 0.2 Co 2-x Fe x O 5+δ (x = 0, 0.5, and 1.0), as prospective cathode materials in terms of their crystal structures, thermal expansion behavior, electro- and electro-chemical properties. The PrBa 0.8 Ca 0.2 Co 1.5 Fe 0.5 O 5+δ shows improved maximum power density of 1.89 W cm −2 and polarization resistance of 0.080 Ω cm 2 at 600 °C as compared with un-doped PrBa 0.8 Ca 0.2 Co 2 O 5+δ while maintaining suppressed thermal expansion. Based on these results, PrBa 0.8 Ca 0.2 Co 1.5 Fe 0.5 O 5+δ can be considered as a promising cathode material for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cell.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)1088-1095
Number of pages8
JournalInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Issue number2
StatePublished - 8 Jan 2019


  • Ca and Fe doping
  • Layered perovskites
  • Mixed ionic-electronic conductor


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