Investigating the performance of non-standard characteristics-based overcurrent relays and their optimum coordination in distributed generators connected networks

Tejas M. Vala, Vipul N. Rajput, Ameena Saad Al-Sumaiti

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    4 Scopus citations


    To handle the challenges attributed to the distributed generators, the protection system of distribution networks needs to be evolved. Recent protection schemes modify the standard characteristics of overcurrent relays, called non-standard characteristics. These non-standard characteristics are mostly case-dependent and have limitations in solving the variety of protection challenges attributed to distributed generators. This paper analyses the performance of six voltage-based non-standard characteristics on photovoltaic distributed generators (PVDG) penetrated 3-bus, 8-bus, and IEEE 30-bus distribution grid, as well as the 9-bus Canadian radial distribution grid with synchronous distributed generator, wind turbine generator, and PVDG penetrations. Besides that, the optimum coordination of these non-standard characteristics-based overcurrent relays is a complex problem due to the involvement of additional controlling parameters. To find the best suitable method, a comparative analysis of the genetic algorithm, differential evolution, artificial bee colony, harmony search algorithm, firefly algorithm, cuckoo search algorithm and particle swarm optimization are performed for optimum relay coordination. The outcomes of the paper are thoroughly discussed for future research on non-standard characteristics development.

    Original languageBritish English
    Pages (from-to)2978-2995
    Number of pages18
    JournalIET Generation, Transmission and Distribution
    Issue number13
    StatePublished - Jul 2023


    • distributed generator
    • evolutionary algorithms
    • microgrid protection
    • non-standard characteristic
    • overcurrent relay


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