Influence of perceived job satisfaction and its impacts on employee retention in Gulf Cooperation Countries

Ganesan Santhanam, Raja Jayaraman, V. Badrinath

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Efficient human resource management is highly critical task for all organizations in 21st century. Rapid advances in technology and innovation have presented a world of opportunities for the talented and educated workforce. Adding to the effects globalization and free market policies bring unique challenges for talent management and retention. In the past century engineering industries have played a pivotal role in human development and have influenced quality of living standards. But 21st century is witnessing knowledge based development. Retaining talented employees is challenging for organizations, also vital for attaining sustainable growth. Retaining talented employees is based on several factors such as human resources, environmental, relationship and organizational. In human resources management, the aspect of employee retention starts at recruitment phase itself and employee job satisfaction is highly related to factors such as employee's recognition, effective communication, empowerment, motivation, working relationship, work involvement, employee engagement, compensation, work life balance, work environment, commitment and organizational culture and climate. In this paper we examine job satisfaction and its effects on employee retention. The research has been validated by responses from a randomized sample of 165 respondents to a feedback survey. Further it is confirmed that there are several factors which exhibit a significant correlation between employee's perceived job satisfaction and their retention.

Original languageBritish English
Title of host publicationConference Proceeding
Subtitle of host publication2012 - International Conference on Management Issues in Emerging Economies, ICMIEE 2012
Number of pages5
StatePublished - 2012
Event2012 International Conference on Management Issues in Emerging Economies, ICMIEE 2012 - Thanjavur, India
Duration: 17 Aug 201218 Aug 2012

Publication series

NameConference Proceeding: 2012 - International Conference on Management Issues in Emerging Economies, ICMIEE 2012


Conference2012 International Conference on Management Issues in Emerging Economies, ICMIEE 2012


  • employee recognition
  • employee retention
  • Job satisfaction
  • work environment and empowerment


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