Graphene/sol–gel modified polyurethane coating for wind turbine blade leading edge protection: Properties and performance

Arash Dashtkar, Nicolai Frost Jensen Johansen, Leon Mishnaevsky, Neil A. Williams, Shadi W. Hasan, Vijay S. Wadi, Alessio Silvello, Homayoun Hadavinia

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


The development of two novel elastomeric erosion resistant coatings for the protection of wind turbine blades is presented. The coatings are prepared by modifying polyurethane (PU) with (i) hydroxyl functionalised graphene nanoparticles (f-GNP) and (ii) f-GNP and a hydrophobic silica-based sol–gel (SG). Tensile, monotonic and cyclic compression and tearing tests have been conducted on the neat PU and the two newly developed elastomeric PU nanocomposites (PU + GNP and PU + GNP + SG) to allow their properties to be compared. The test results showed that the mechanical properties of PU and the modified PUs have strong dependency on temperature, strain rate and nanoparticles loading and addition of GNP and SG to PU improved the mechanical properties. Compared to PU, Young’s modulus and modulus of toughness of PU + GNP + SG increased 95% and 124%, respectively. The PU + GNP nanocomposite displayed the highest tearing strength and the PU + GNP + SG nanocomposite showed the highest elongation at break. An investigation of the microstructures of the modified PUs by FTIR, field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) are discussed. Hydrophobicity of the PU and developed PU nanocomposites are reported by measuring their water droplet contact angles and their free surface energies.

Original languageBritish English
JournalPolymers and Polymer Composites
StatePublished - 21 Jan 2022


  • erosion resistance
  • Graphene
  • polyurethane
  • silica
  • sol–gel
  • wind turbine blade


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