Going from six sigma to design for six sigma: An exploratory study using analytic hierarchy process

Ricardo Bañuelas, Jiju Antony

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

98 Scopus citations


Six sigma has been considered a business strategy that employs a well-structured continuous improvement methodology to tackle process variability and drive out waste from the business processes using statistical tools and techniques. This paper first examines the differences and similarities of six-sigma improvement methodology compared with the DFSS approach. This work illustrates the use of analytical hierarchy process (AHP), a multiple criteria decision-making technique, for the evaluation of six-sigma projects in order to determine when the six-sigma approach becomes a priority over DFSS. The use of AHP to determine the transition from six sigma to design for six sigma represents a major challenge to many researchers today, as very little has been done on this subject.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)334-344
Number of pages11
JournalTQM Magazine
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2003


  • Analytical hierarchy process
  • Business process re-engineering
  • Process management


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