Fracture propagation in shale gas reservoirs: An enhanced dynamic simulation assessment

A. Suboyin, A. R. Shaik, M. M. Rahman, M. Haroun

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    Augmented by the recent activities in the oil and gas industry, it can be easily said that hydraulic fracturing has become a pivotal component for the successful development of unconventional reservoirs. This tremendous growth has fuelled significant advancements in numerical modelling. This paper describes enhanced dynamic simulation assessment of fracture propagation behavior. Enhanced discrete fracture network methodologies are applied to a shale gas reservoir and investigated with the help of industrial simulators. Fracture parameters along with propagation and interaction behavior between natural fractures and hydraulic fractures are analyzed and quantified. This is followed by verification of the models which further illustrates the accuracy and relevance of the prediction models currently used in the industry. The interaction behavior and quantification of fracture properties is further investigated from the simulation results along with diagnosis of the primary contributors. In addition, a sensitivity analysis is also conducted to examine the hierarchy of the main contributing parameters and their response.

    Original languageBritish English
    Number of pages4
    StatePublished - 2018
    EventSEG/AAPG/EAGE/SPE Research and Development Petroleum Conference and Exhibition 2018, RDP 2018 - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
    Duration: 9 May 201810 May 2018


    ConferenceSEG/AAPG/EAGE/SPE Research and Development Petroleum Conference and Exhibition 2018, RDP 2018
    Country/TerritoryUnited Arab Emirates
    CityAbu Dhabi


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