Fractals in the Neurosciences: A Translational Geographical Approach

Ion Andronache, Daniel Peptenatu, Helmut Ahammer, Marko Radulovic, Goran J. Djuričić, Herbert F. Jelinek, Carlo Russo, Antonio Di Ieva

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

    1 Scopus citations


    The chapter presents three new fractal indices (fractal fragmentation index, fractal tentacularity index, and fractal anisotropy index) and normalized Kolmogorov complexity with proven applicability in geographic research, developed by the authors, and the possibility of their future use in neuroscience. The research demonstrates the relevance of fractal analysis in different fields and the basic concepts and principles of fractal geometry being sufficient for the development of models relevant to the studied reality. Also, the research highlighted the need to continue interdisciplinary research based on known fractal indicators, as well as the development of new analysis methods with the translational potential between fields.

    Original languageBritish English
    Title of host publicationAdvances in Neurobiology
    Number of pages29
    StatePublished - 2024

    Publication series

    NameAdvances in Neurobiology
    ISSN (Print)2190-5215
    ISSN (Electronic)2190-5223


    • Fractal parameters
    • Geography
    • Kolmogorov complexity
    • Neuroscience


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