First principles study of magneto-electronic and thermoelectric properties of quaternary CoZrMnSb for spintronics and waste heat recovery energy applications

Abida Azam, Nazia Erum, Ramesh Sharma, Vipul Srivastava, Samah Al-Qaisi, Ayman A. Ghfar, Hamid Ullah, Zubair Ahmed

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7 Scopus citations


In this study CoZrMnSb, a quaternary Heusler alloy has been explored utilizing the density functional theory based simulation package WIEN2k. The structural analysis exhibits an X1-type structure with a relaxed lattice constant of 6.27 Å in ferromagnetic phase. The band structure calculations show its half-metallic nature with full spin polarization states around the Fermi level at 0.56 eV energy. In addition, the magnetic moment is calculated to be 1.0 μB, which is in accordance with the Slater Pauling rule (Mtot = (Ztot–24) μB). The study shows the d-d hybridization of the transition metals Co, Zr, and Mn elements. Further, optoelectronic performances in terms of dielectric function, reflectivity, energy loss function, absorption coefficient have been determined for a range of photon energy up to12 eV (ultraviolet region). In optoelectronic applications, absorption of this material in visible light enhances its significance. The thermoelectric properties with chemical potential and thermodynamic properties in the pressure range of 0–40 GPa and temperature range of 0–1200 K have been analysed. Specific heat capacity and Debye temperature authenticate similar metallic behaviour of CoZrMnSb alloy at temperature versus pressure variations. At room temperature, the chemical potential study suggests high figure of merit ~ 0.9, which makes it a potential thermoelectric material. The suggested material has a high Seebeck coefficient and low thermal conductivity, making it a better match for waste heat recovery and spintronic applications.

Original languageBritish English
Article number1001
JournalOptical and Quantum Electronics
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2024


  • Fermi level
  • Power factor
  • Quaternary Heusler alloys
  • Semi-classical Boltzmann theory
  • Slater-Pauling rule


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