Extraction of elastic scattering cross-section ratio Re+e- From ep elastic scattering experimental data

I. A. Qattan, A. Alsaad, A. A. Ahmad

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3 Scopus citations


In this work, we present a new prediction of the positron-proton to electron-proton elastic scattering cross sections ratio Re+e-. While many phenomenological studies extracted the ratio Re+e- using proposed, model-independent parametrizations of the hard two-photon exchange (TPE) corrections to electron-proton (ep) elastic scattering cross section σR, we do not assume prior knowledge of the functional form of the hard TPE corrections to σR, and use combined unpolarized, and polarized ep elastic scattering experimental data to extract the TPE contributions. We provide a simple parametrization of the TPE corrections to σR, along with the uncertainties associated with the model dependence of the extractions, and use our TPE parametrization to predict the ratio Re+e-. We compare our prediction of Re+e- to several previous phenomenological extractions, TPE-hadronic calculations, and world's data with emphasis mainly on the kinematics range of the recent precise direct measurements from the CLAS, VEPP-3, and OLYMPUS experiments.

Original languageBritish English
Article number045202
JournalPhysical Review C
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2021


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