Experimental investigation of biopolymer rheology and injectivity incarbonates

Deena Abdalla Elhossary, Waleed Alameri, Emad W. Al-Shalabi

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    7 Scopus citations


    Polymer flooding is a mature chemical enhanced oil recovery (CEOR) technology with over forty yearsof laboratory-A nd field-scale applications. Nevertheless, polymers exhibit poor performance in carbonatesdue to their complex nature of mixed-to-oil wettability, high temperature, high salinity, and heterogeneitywith low permeability. The main objective of this study is to experimentally evaluate the performanceof a biopolymer (Scleroglucan) in carbonates under harsh conditions of temperature and salinity. Thisexperimental investigation includes polymer rheological studies as well as polymer injectivity tests.Rheological studies were performed on the biopolymer samples to measure the polymer viscosity as afunction of concentration, shear rate, salinity, and temperature. Injectivity characteristics of this biopolymerwere also examined through corefloods using high permeability carbonate outcrops. The injectivity testsconsisted of two stages of water pre-flush and polymer injection. These tests were conducted usinghigh salinity formation water (167,000 ppm) and seawater (43,000 ppm) at both room (25 °C) and hightemperature (90 °C) conditions. The rheological tests showed that the biopolymer has a high viscosifying power and it exhibits a shear-thinning behavior that is more prevalent at higher polymer concentrations. Also, a pronounced effect wasobserved for water salinity on both polymer filterability and polymer injectivity. The biopolymer exhibitedbetter filterability at the high temperature as opposed to the room temperature. From the injectivity tests,the shear-thinning behavior of this biopolymer in the porous media was confirmed as the resistance factordecreased with increasing the flow rate applied. The potential biopolymer showed good injectivity atboth the room and the high temperatures. This study provides further insight into the performance of thisbiopolymer in carbonate reservoirs and encourages further application under harsh conditions of salinityand temperature.

    Original languageBritish English
    Title of host publicationOffshore Technology Conference 2020, OTC 2020
    ISBN (Electronic)9781613997079
    StatePublished - 2020
    EventOffshore Technology Conference 2020, OTC 2020 - Houston, United States
    Duration: 4 May 20207 May 2020

    Publication series

    NameProceedings of the Annual Offshore Technology Conference
    ISSN (Print)0160-3663


    ConferenceOffshore Technology Conference 2020, OTC 2020
    Country/TerritoryUnited States


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