Evaluation of low-carbon multi-energy options for the future UAE energy system

Valerie Eveloy, Wasiq Ahmed

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


Sustainable energy transitions in hot climate and fossil energy-rich regions face specific challenges including socio-economic and geopolitical uncertainties in a carbon-constrained future, accompanied by significant vulnerability to climate change. Low-carbon multi-energy conversion, storage and use options for the future United Arab Emirates energy system (power, water, buildings, transportation, industry) are investigated technically and economically using EnergyPLAN energy planning tool. Emphasis is placed on solar energy with variable shares in conjunction with thermal, battery and hydrogen storage in the power sector, reverse osmosis desalination, district cooling with a mix of compression and absorption cooling, electric transportation, and industrial electrification. The effects of these measures on annual primary fuel consumption (PFC), greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and cost are evaluated in incremental steps, with reference to a business-as-usual (BAU) scenario. The most favorable combination of low-carbon measures is found to reduce annual PFC and GHG emissions by 37% and 48%, respectively, relative to the BAU case. In parallel, total annual costs would reduce by 25% compared to the BAU scenario, primarily due to reductions in fuel and carbon costs, that offset increased investment costs. In addition, the levelized costs of electricity, water and cooling could reduce by 42%, 63%, and 20%, respectively, relative to the BAU case. The analyzes presented contribute directions towards sustainable energy transitions in fossil energy-rich and hot climate regions.

Original languageBritish English
Article number102584
JournalSustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
StatePublished - Oct 2022


  • Energy system modeling
  • Hot climate
  • MENA
  • Sector coupling
  • Sustainable energy


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