Enhanced sludge properties and distribution study of sludge components in electrically-enhanced membrane bioreactor

Adewale Giwa, Iftikhar Ahmed, Shadi Wajih Hasan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

61 Scopus citations


This study investigated the impact of electric field on the physicochemical and biological characteristics of sludge wasted from an electrically-enhanced membrane bioreactor treating medium-strength raw wastewater. This method offers a chemical-free electrokinetic technique to enhance sludge properties and remove heavy metals. For example, sludge volume index (SVI), time-to-filter (TTF), mean sludge particle diameter (PSD), viscosity, and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of 21.7mL/g, 7min, 40.2μm, 3.22mPas, and-4.9mV were reported, respectively. Also, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses provided mechanisms for heavy metal removal so as to establish relevant pathways for nutrient recovery. Furthermore, variations in dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity, viscosity, ORP, total suspended solids (MLSS), and volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) were interrelated to evaluate the quality of wasted sludge. A pathway study on the transport and chemical distribution of nutrients and metals in sludge showed great potential for metal removal and nutrient recovery.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)78-85
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Environmental Management
StatePublished - 5 Aug 2015


  • Chemical distribution
  • Electrokinetics
  • Membrane bioreactor
  • Nutrient recovery
  • Sludge management


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