Electrokinetic Driven Low-Concentration Acid Improved Oil Recovery in Abu Dhabi Tight Carbonate Reservoirs

Arsalan Ansari, Mohammed Haroun, Mohammed Motiur Rahman, George V. Chilingar

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    29 Scopus citations


    Conventional acidizing, though useful in increasing the effective permeability in the near well-bore region, has compatibility and operational issues such as limitation in depth of penetration and HSE issues to handle, transport and injection of high concentration acid into the well. However, the application of electrokinetics (EK) has a number of economic and environmental advantages such as reduced oil viscosity, reduced water-cut, and no depth limitation. This study presents recent research that demonstrates the impact of EK on matrix low-concentration acid stimulation in Abu Dhabi carbonate reservoirs with varying acid concentrations and voltage gradients. Core-flood tests were conducted by saturating core-plugs retrieved from Abu Dhabi oilfields with medium and light crude oil in a specially designed HPHT EK-EOR core-flood setup. Initially, EK was applied using acids of varying concentrations from 0.125 to 1.2% HCl injected at the anode to cathode (producer) at 0.25ml/min. Experiments were also repeated with low concentration HCl stimulation without the application of EK. Several correlations related to acid concentration, displacement efficiency and permeability enhancement are presented here at ambient and reservoir conditions. The experimental results have shown that the application of waterflooding on the carbonate cores yields an average oil recovery of 60%. An additional 17-29% oil recovery was enhanced by the application of EK-assisted low concentration (∼2%) HCl at Abu Dhabi reservoir conditions. In addition, EK LCA-IOR was shown to enhance the reservoir's permeability by approximately 11-53% across the tested core-plugs. Furthermore, this technique can be engineered to be a sustainable process in the presence of EK as the concentration and voltage gradient can be optimized to reduce the amount of acid injected and power consumption by 20-41%, further improving economic feasibility.

    Original languageBritish English
    Pages (from-to)255-270
    Number of pages16
    JournalElectrochimica Acta
    StatePublished - 1 Nov 2015


    • Carbonate reservoirs
    • Displacement efficiency
    • Electrokinetics
    • Low-concentration acid IOR
    • Permeability Enhancement


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