Efficient Transmission in Multiantenna Two-Way AF Relaying Networks

Jing Yang, Lei Chen, Xianfu Lei, Zhiguo Ding, Pingzhi Fan, Xiqi Gao

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4 Scopus citations


In this paper, an efficient transmission scheme, termed the joint antenna selection and data exchange (AS-DE) scheme, is proposed for a two-way amplify-and-forward relaying network, where two single-antenna source terminals exchange information via a multiantenna relay station. For the proposed scheme, the best antenna at the relay for each source terminal is first selected separately, following the max-max scheme. Then, from the set of the previously selected antennas, either one antenna is selected, in a similar fashion as well-known max-min and max-sum schemes, or two antennas exchange their respective received signals, which are then coded, amplified, and broadcasted to the source and destination terminals. Tight lower and upper bounds on the outage probability (OP) for the proposed scheme have been derived assuming independent and identically distributed Rayleigh fading channels. Furthermore, our analysis reveals that the proposed joint AS-DE scheme can achieve full diversity. Finally, it is shown that under the same resource constraints, i.e., in terms of the number of the utilized time slots and transmit power, the proposed joint AS-DE scheme outperforms the max-min, the max-sum, and the max-max schemes. Extensive numerical results accompanied with computer simulations, are further provided to validate the developed analytical results.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)4182-4191
Number of pages10
JournalIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2018


  • antenna selection (AS)
  • max-min
  • max-sum, max-max
  • outage probabilities
  • Two-way relaying networks (TWRNs)


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