Effects of butanol-diesel fuel blends on the performance and emissions of a high-speed di diesel engine

D. C. Rakopoulos, C. D. Rakopoulos, E. G. Giakoumis, A. M. Dimaratos, D. C. Kyritsis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

562 Scopus citations


An experimental investigation is conducted to evaluate the effects of using blends of n-butanol (normal butanol) with conventional diesel fuel, with 8%, 16% and 24% (by volume) n-butanol, on the performance and exhaust emissions of a standard, fully instrumented, four-stroke, high-speed, direct injection (DI), Ricardo/Cussons 'Hydra' diesel engine located at the authors' laboratory. The tests are conducted using each of the above fuel blends or neat diesel fuel, with the engine working at a speed of 2000 rpm and at three different loads. In each test, fuel consumption, exhaust smokiness and exhaust regulated gas emissions such as nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and total unburned hydrocarbons are measured. The differences in the measured performance and exhaust emission parameters of the three butanol-diesel fuel blends from the baseline operation of the diesel engine, i.e., when working with neat diesel fuel, are determined and compared. It is revealed that this fuel, which can be produced from biomass (bio-butanol), forms a challenging and promising bio-fuel for diesel engines. The differing physical and chemical properties of butanol against those for the diesel fuel are used to aid the correct interpretation of the observed engine behavior.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)1989-1997
Number of pages9
JournalEnergy Conversion and Management
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2010


  • Butanol-diesel fuel blends
  • Emissions
  • High-speed diesel engine
  • Performance


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